Tepache is a Mexican pineapple beer. It is a refreshing drink for a hot day and it’s even waste-conscious as you can make it from the rind of pineapples that you have chopped up for the sweet flesh.
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- 1 L Water
- 5 TBS Dark Brown Sugar
- Rind of 1 Medium Pineapple. Roughly Chopped
- 1 Cinnamon Stick
- 3 Cloves
1. In a large, clean jug, stir the sugar into the water until completely dissolved.
2. Add the pineapple chunks, cinnamon stick and cloves.
3. Cover the mouth of the jug with cling film.
4. Leave for 2 days to ferment.
5. Open once a day to taste – fermentation may progress faster in hotter climates and if you leave the Tepache too long, it can turn into pineapple vinegar. Cold weather may also slow down the fermentation process.
6. Serve chilled.
Buen Provecho!

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