UBUNTU MUNDO is a network of small scale projects created by wife and husband Cecilya Bravo and Roland Oosterhout since 2016.
Their work begins with food at their base camp set in the rural area of Rooiboklaagte in Mpumalanga, feeding more than 450 kids from their 2 kitchens, providing a nutritious hot meal on a daily basis.
Starting with food, they improve the lives of children and create sustainable operations, empowering and lifting the entire community.
Due to COVID-19, they hadn’t been able to visit the camp for more than 2 years, but in early April they arrived and contacted AztecA for mexican supplies and ingredients.
As a proud Mexican, Ceci wanted to share with the kids her roots and traditions. She taught them how to make piñatas and cooked for them authentic food.
We were very blessed to have been able to contribute in a small way by sending them tortillas for their party.
Their hard work has surpassed boundaries with UBUNTU-USA and they have the vision to expand this amazing project to Brazil and Mexico as well.
Great and beautiful angels on this earth. I feel very blessed to cross paths with people with such great hearts.
This organization receives financial support from family and friends; if you would like to know more about UBUNTU MUNDO, their contact details are:
Ubuntu: ‘I am, because you are’ (Nguni Bantu)
Gaby GF Agraz