Ceviche is a typical Mexican dish where fresh fish is cooked in lime juice. Every coastal city will have its own signature recipe.
This mouth-watering recipe is from the state of Sonora where cucumber is added to the dish giving it a delicious crunch and is usually served on a tostada.
A tasty and fresh meal to serve on a hot summer day.
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- 1/2 kg fresh, firm white fish. I like to use Kingklip. Cut into small squares
- 3 tomatoes, finely chopped
- A large spring of fresh coriander, finely chopped
- 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
- 1 medium cucumber, finely chopped (discard center seeds)
- 1 cup lime juice
- Kermato
- 1 Avo, sliced for garnish
- Salsa Negra
- Salt and pepper , to taste
- 2 packets of tostadas
Salt and pepper to taste
- Place the fish in a deep crystal bowl.
- Add the lemon juice, cover and let marinate for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.
- In a separate bowl combine the rest of the ingredients.
- Add the fish and mix well.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve on tostadas, garnish with sliced avo and drizzle with Salsa Cholula.
Buen Provecho!

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