Even though rice is not native to Mexico, for the past half century it has become a staple ingredient in every mexican meal.
It is usually eaten as the second course; as a side element in almost every meal together with beans and tortillas.
Using Mi Arroz Blanco – Mexican White Rice Seasoning will give you the perfect rice every time and with the authentic Latin flavour of onion and garlic.
How to make fluffy red rice with the perfect consistency? There are three secret steps to follow during cooking.
- Fry the rice in oil before boiling it. This will help to seal the starch to the grain and will prevent the rice from sticking.
- Mexican rice requires slow cooking. The golden rule is to use a deep, heavy pot with a lid, that will distribute heat evenly and slowly. This will asure the rice to be properly cooked and will not stick to the bottom.
- When cooking the rice, remember to pour the water at a high temperature, so that it boils as soon as possible. This will also help the rice to cook without sticking.
- In a large pot, heat oil and fry the rice stirring constantly until it changes to an off white colour. Be very careful not to burn it.
- Carefully add the hot water.
- Add the seasoning and vegetables. Stir and finally add the coriander
- Cover and cook over very low heat for 20 minutes.
Buen Provecho!