If you never had nopales, don’t let the fact that they are pieces of cactus leaves scare you! They are really delicious and a super food due to high levels antioxidants, their cholesterol-reducing properties and their high levels of vitamin C, magnesium and calcium.
In Mexico, nopales are usually cooked from scratch we offer them pickled in a jar (spines and skin removed). So much of the work is already done! Try this fresh salad recipe as a first introduction:
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- 1 Jar Nopales
- 1 Small Onion. Finely Chopped.
- 2 Tomatoes. Finely Chopped.
- 1 Handful of Fresh Coriander. Finely Chopped.
- Juice of 1 Lemon
- 3 Tbs Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper
1. Place the nopales into a colander and rinse well. The brine that they come in is slightly slimy (like you would see with okra).
2. Roughly chop the rinsed nopales.
3. Place nopales in a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, toss and serve.
4. You can also add chopped avocado and grated feta cheese for a more substantial dish.
Buen provecho!

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