Aguachile is very similar to ceviche, where fish or shrimp are “cooked” in lime juice. But Aguachile takes it a step further when salsa verde and cilantro are added to the mix, giving it a vibrant green color and spicy deliciousness!
Serves 2
15 mins prep.
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- 1 cup raw, peeled and deveined shrimp
- 2 cups of fresh lime juice
- 1/3 cup La Costena Green Salsa
- 1 cucumber, peeled seeded and chopped
- 1/4 red onion. Finely chopped
- A big bunch of fresh coriander. Finely chopped
- 1/2 cup roma tomatoes, chopped
- 1/4 red onion, sliced in crescent moons
- Tostadas from Azteca
- Salsa Habanero
- Place shrimp in a large glass bowl.
- Add lime juice. Cover and leave for 1 hour to cook.
- In a blender, mix lime juice from shrimp, Green Salsa and coriander. Liquidize.
- Add to shrimp.
- Add cucumber and tomato.
- Mix and check seasoning.
- Serve over a Tostada and garnish with sliced onion.
Buen provecho!

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